The Willows Connection 2025

Join us this week for our Sunday Family Potluck Brunch on February 16th at 10:00am. Please bring your favourite dish to share with others! Nut free dishes!

 If you can’t attend in person, you can watch here weekly Livestream on Youtube

Prayer & Care

Prayer requests can also be submitted to  We do have a confidential prayer team that is happy to pray for these requests. There are several folks in our church anticipating or recovering from surgery this month, prayers for their speedy healing and no complications.

Your support of the church ministry and missional outreach is invaluable! Donate online anytime for your tithes and offerings:  Online Giving Langley – The Willows Church (receipt is automatic) or ask Pastor Dave for a preauthorized debit form to contribute monthly via direct deposit from your bank account (annual receipt provided).  A Gratitude basket is available near the coffee each Sunday for cash or cheque donations.  Annual income tax receipts are ready and will be handed out at church or mailed to you – connect with Pastor Dave for any questions. 

NEW:  The Surrey-Langley Skytrain will be under construction over the next 4 years and the Skytrain station terminal will be built directly across the street from our parking lot, next to the Casino and the bus terminal.  We do anticipate some interruption to our parking lot, some of this will be temporary during construction and some will be permanent changes.  There will certainly be some noise disturbance.  Our lease renewal for the building comes due this December 2025 so the Mission Board will begin negotiations with our landlord in the coming months.  Our landlord to this point has indicated that he does not intend to sell the building.  We believe the location and the facility have been working very well for us over the past 4 years.  If you have any thoughts about us renewing our lease for another 5 years and staying in this building during the construction (pros or cons) we’d love to hear your feedback directly to Pastor Dave and we would value your input and prayer support in our corporate discernment and decision making process.   Thank you!

We have a Monthly Newsletter focused just on our Children and Youth Ministries!!! This has ALL of the details for Youth Groups both Junior and Senior as well as Sunday School.  Subscribe here    Past editions are also viewable at this link.

Family Programs-

Messy Church  “What did Jesus Say? “I Forgive you!” this Saturday, February 15th. from 4-6pm An intergenerational adventure with a meal, story and activities for all ages. Registration is full. You can call the office at 604-510-2628 to be added into the waitlist.

Joins us for Willowbuds this winter at the centre two Wednesdays a month 9am-10:30pm or 10:30-12pm. Registration for this session will open the Monday before, February 24th, 2025 at 10am. Please register here! Volunteers to make coffee, keep things tidy, chat with parents and make folks feel welcome are greatly appreciated.

Summer Staff Applications are OPEN!  Apply today before the position fills up!

Musical Mondays began again this week – there is still room for new folks to join any of the groups!  Youth Band Brass (8+) 6-7pm /Adult Choir (13+) 7-8pm / Worship Explorations Group (13+) 8-9pm. All skills levels welcome. Childcare available ($5 per family)  Register here  or join us next Monday.

Griefshare –  New Session started on Wednesday January 15 to April 9th from 7-8:30pm at The Willows Church. Register here.


Save the Date! Young Adults Weekend is happening March 7-9th at Camp Sunrise! Cost $125 (Early Bird) $150 (Full Price) Ages 18-30. Early bird pricing registration ends tomorrow Friday, Feb.14th. Don’t miss out on early bird pricing. Register here
Women’s Ministries –

Women’s Ministries “Canvas Tote Painting”  on Friday, February 28st. from 7-9pm. Suggested donation of $10.00 Registration required here.  If you have any questions text Kathleen at 604-300-0327.

Men’s Ministries –

Join us for a daytrip down to Seattle’s amazing Museum of Flight!  on Saturday, March 1st. We will be leaving from The Willows at 7am and arriving back again approximately 9pm.  Museum entrance and meals (lunch & dinner) are own expense, but assistance is available. Carpool is provided so numbers are limited – reserve your spot with Pastor Dave:


Join us for our Brave Event “Unmasking your true self” Saturday, February 22nd. 10am-4pm. A Catalytic Empowerment Event for Female identifying teens 12-18 years old.  A day filled with new friends and special guests bringing encouraging messages of empowerment, integrated with healthy practices around beauty & wellbeing including skin care, somatic yoga for anxiety, nutrition tips, financial savvy, street smarts, crafty fun, treats & so much more! Register here

Also a great way to help us with this outreach project is to purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist and they will be shipped directly to our centre, lowering our costs for the event!  We will also be collecting donations for some prize baskets and our free store. Click here.

CAP Budget – 

Join our CAP Budget Class on Thursday, March 6th from 9:30-1:30pm. Lunch Included. Email norma.armellini@salvation if you have any questions or Register here

Join us for our Spring Peace Program. We need volunteers for hospitality, serving and cleaning up after the meal along with  classroom assistants (training can be provided but please inquire soon).  We are also looking for guest presenters for the mom’s group portion of the evening.  Tuesday Evenings from 5:00-7:00pm @ The Willows. Beginning April 15th until June 3rd.  Children ages 3- 16 and their Mother/Caregiver who have experienced/witnessed violence. Pre-Registration Required. Referrals through email: or Phone: 604-510-2628.

Matthew 21:22

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

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