Summer Day Camp 11


Regular Kids Time:  On Sundays, after the opening songs, a short Kid’s Time in the main service and prayer, the children head into their own church programming in our upstairs classrooms. We are using ORANGE curriculum which seeks to combine the love of the family with the light of the church for a combined influence on our children’s spiritual growth. There are three classes First Look (Preschool), 252 Kids (Early Elementary) and XP3 (Preteen). During this hour kids discover God’s truth through video, song, crafts, activities, games and discussion geared towards their age group.

Kid’s Church Age Groups

Our Sunday School Coordinator works hard to schedule volunteers each week to teach three classes in our WillowSprouts ministry

• First Look Preschool (3 – 5 years old)
• 252 Kids (Early Elementary K – Grade 3)
• XP3 (Grade 4 – Grade 8)

We have a beautiful Nursery play area available for both parents and children under the age of 3 during the service.  This is also open before and after the service for children 5 & under.

Our Senior Youth group and Bible study (age 13+) are under the care of Brian Campbell and typically happen on Wednesday nights.

Junior Youth group activities (ages 8-12) are typically held on alternate Fridays throughout the school year with our leader Destiny Grove.

All of our teachers have undergone security screening, criminal record checks, and training in order to ensure a safe and fun environment for the kids and peace of mind for parents.

At the Willows we love investing in ministry with families and have new opportunities emerging all the time, through quarterly Messy Church nights, seasonal children’s choirs and our Outdoor Wild Church events scattered throughout the year.

Willowbuds Parent & Child Program

Our Willowbuds Parent & Child Program meets twice a month at The Willows Family Life Centre in Langley on the 2nd. and 4th. Wednesday of the month to share a time of fun in community. There will be rich opportunities for free play, crafts, snack and a music & movement component to the morning based around a special theme. Meet other parents and children 0-5 years old for encouragement and friendship.  Join our Willowbuds facebook group for schedule and more details: Willowbuds Parent Tot Program