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We view spiritual mentoring (discipleship) as: “one person coming alongside another as a companion on the journey of faith to help them answer questions such as “Who is God?”, “Who am I in Christ?”, “To what has God called me as I live out my life?”, and “How can I grow, thrive and mature spiritually?” – Dr. Gloria Woodland (D. Min)

We want to see individuals and families flourish through a culture of spiritual mentoring. 

The FEAST program is one launching point for mentorship at The Willows Church.  FEAST intersperses great food and fellowship with teaching and mentorship.

Between each session we aim to connect participants with mentors who will meet with them regularly to continue the journey of personal development in Christ.

If you would like more information on other entry points for mentoring or mentor training please contact: Pastor Renee renee.mcfadden@salvationarmy.ca