Messy Church 1b


Offered quarterly on a Saturday from 4-6pm, Messy Church is what it sounds like!  A celebration with a relaxed setting for families to share in creative activities together across the generations (parents, kids, teens or grandparents) and then we all gather to enjoy a meal together and a short program of songs and a Bible story before wrapping up.

Activities offer hands-on (and sometimes messy!) art, games or social interaction and meet the needs of a variety of ages of participants from toddlers to grandparents, everyone is welcome!

Please watch our Willows Church & Life Centre social media for upcoming Messy Church dates and use the registration link provided so we can ensure enough food for everyone.  Dates for winter/spring 2025 are set for February 15, March 15, and April 12 from 4:00-6:00 pm – registration link will be posted on our Willows Church & Life Centre social media prior to each date.